May 26, 2013

Hindu Gods Are Imaginary

Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma are imaginary fellows.  So are Ram, Krishna, Hanuman; kinda like Spiderman, Batman, Superman.  Vedas, Mahabharat and Ramayan etc. are old, grandiose, voluminous, fictional comic books written written by bronze age ignorants over many decades containing elaborate stories and some useful to profound philosophy.  Bible and Quran are similar.  Pranapratishta is fraud.  All poojas are  useLESS.  Yep, this applies to Jesus Christ/Christianity, Allah/Religion of Submission (its not Religion of Peace), etc.. too.  The only exception to some degree is Buddhism.  And yet about 90% of humans believe in religions!  What a freak show!  Why does this happen?  Because thinking is uncomfortable and belief in religion is kinda like sex; religion and sex both provide a feeling of fleeting euphoria.  This euphoria becomes addictive.  The devotees return (for example, a namazi could return 5 times/day, forming a habit) for this euphoria and the show goes on.  Why were religions invented?  Humans are fooked up animals driven by myths, ego, sex, dominance and tribalism.  Most are transient aszholes with shite in their brains, the religious ones may be enduring. A tool was necessary (also profitable) to address their inherent core assholeism that exists beneath a top coat of corporate slave/master degree in political science, engineering, medicine, computer science, business or law and a thin coat of culture.

There are 2 major types of Hinduism as described below.  One type is for the Hindu pragmatists and the other one for the Hindu masses.  Eventually, Hindu masses will figure out this fraud/fantasy/obscurantism.  Or not.  The odds are 60-40.  Hindu pragmatists have already figured it out for what it is.        

But, these symbolic fellows like Krishna and Company love you and they need money/donations, followers/devotees, pageantry/festival, dances (Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak etc), poetry (kirtans, bhajans), fictional stories (Satyanarayan katha), glorification-submission through arti/worship/namaz, priests.....  Donations in cash, gold, spectacular temples etc. are welcome.  More is better and Lord Venkateshwara's blessings are guaranteed. Limitations apply!  NO REFUNDS!  All sales are final.

Sadhguru - Jaggi Vasudev
Use your mind; think and grow some self respect
and do not believe in or follow this maharaj
of chutiyas.  Being an ahole to fellow human
beings is easy because it comes naturally;
that's why we need Hinduism and fooks like this.

Jain Monks
These are butt naked Jain monks.  This is what
the parasite of religion does to people,
turns them into dumb-asses.

American, Asian, Indian, Arabian Gods
In math, the unknown is called x. 
Do we start start doing pooja, namaz and worship for x?
Do we start building temples, churches and mosques for x?
Do we leverage x for money or power of various types?
If no, then why do we do this for the non-existent and unknown God?
Why do we install this virus in children?
Why don't we teach children the truth instead?
Because it doesn't serve the agenda!
The agenda of mass Hinduism is money and power

Hinduism and hindu spirituality is big business; look at all the spiritual gurus.  Likely the second oldest profession, prostitution likely being the first. They have a role in societal totem pole disco dancing, building superficial appearances to mask darker habits, vote bank politics and most importantly, power.  PM Narendra Modi is a beneficiary of this, not that this is bad, I am sure BJP has its reasons.  I should consider the possibility that these mass delusions are in fact having a positive effect, certainly on many — and that without them, individuals would likely behave far worse (assuming that they haven't hit the bottom, yet).  The flip side is the holy trinity of Visa, Mastercard and American Express or Bollywood, Tollywood and Kollywood or Porsche, Mercedes and Lexus, this is no delusion. 

Indoctrination of Hindu children in Hinduism in India
Religious indoctrination of Hindu children in India
and they don't want you to know this.  These
children are the future sources of $, "sewa" (free labor
because its Hinduism),and finally psychological and
political power through a religious vote bank.
In essence, its a form of mind parasitization
like a computer virus that does not have antivirus software.
Parents are responsible for choosing to install
or not install this virus in the minds of their children.

God in Hinduism is called Brahman.  God is the name given to the unknown.    Vishnu is the unknown unknown that is imaginary squared by two. Brahman is not the same as Brahma and Brahmin.  According to Hindu scriptures/story books, the Hindu God Brahman is formless, that is it has no material (stone or metal or clay or wood), feeling, boundaries (inside or outside temple or anywhere else), size (tall or short), sex (male or female) shape (thin or thick), color (white, gold or black idol), appearance (beautiful or not beautiful) etc.  In other words these visible or invisible characteristics are not important but have some minor yet significant meaning.  So, if and when you go to Hindu temples, don't get stuck up on minor things like the layout of temples or poojas or the deities or devotional songs and music; they don't do much and most people with a inquisitive and living brain know this well. 

Hinduism, bollywood, entertainment
Idol worship is a service business.
The product is invisible.
No customer comes back for a refund.
Bollywoodization of Hinduism,
its easier to sell Hinduism thru fun, dance and
entertainment.  (ex: Dandiya Raas, classical
dances such as Kuchipudi, kirtans, bhajans are
the administrative tools of the Hinduism database!)

Piercing in Hinduism
Most religions, including Hinduism, prefer to
occupy the minds of young devotee/victims since
they do not have ability to question.  Branding
is effective on young children or older dumbass
adults (specially women).

Hindu devotees
The holy cow of Hinduism is Hinduism itself.
Criticism is frowned upon becos its a fooking religion.

People from other religions find a blue colored god with more than 2 hands bizarre and this is because they don't understand and further most Hindus themselves do not understand or care to understand the intricacies of Hindu symbolism.  Hinduism philosophy is like a relational database with 3 primary keys!  And these primary keys are conceptual, again these keys are conceptual; talk about redundancy here.  If you don't understand this, then you don't understand Hinduism (or the database).  The many Hindu Gods are like tables; some related to the primary keys and some not related.   

Symbolism Gone Crazy And Way Obsolete

The one Hindu God, unlike God in other religions has several aliases.  Male and female aliases; therefore Hinduism has goddesses, unlike other religions.  To add to the confusion, Vishnu has avatars.  Krishna and Rama are the popular avatars.

Caste system in Hinduism of India
What the fook!   

GIGOGarbage In Garbage Out represents the practice of present day Hinduism in temples.  Temples are formed as non-profit institutions in our country.  It is likely that major temples in India might be for profit.  Their main product is institutionalized Hinduism.  Typically, garbage devotees go into Hindu temples and garbage devotees comes out of temples after doing whatever it is they do there.  Most don't know any better because no one has taught them any better.  Its fooking pathetic.  Temples are places where rituals are mindlessly performed.  They are places that are monetarily solvent but spiritually bankrupt.  Hindu naivete provides a platform for Gurus, Ammas, Babas, Didis, Matas, Maharaj, Bapus, Sri Sri....etc., to make money off of gullible Hindus by selling ancient Hindu philosophy wine in a brand new bottle.  Do you know of any easier way to make crores of rupees?  I don't.  Sweeter than the money is the power these fellows wield over people (politicians, entertainers etc.)  Heck, from now on, my username should be Sri Sri Sri Cleveland Desi or Amma Cleveland Desi or Sadhguru Cleveland Desi. Going to the temple (or a church or mosque) is like going to a pub/bar/tavern or getting a bad blow job, it is a quick fix. 

Show me a picture of Brahman, the Hindu God, you say.  Each of the thousands of dots in this image is an entire galaxy containing billions of stars, revealed in a region of space called the Lockman hole, which allows a clear line of sight out into the distant universe, as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory.  So, the Hindu God does exist as described in the Hindu scriptures and it is formless indeed as shown by science in the picture below.  Do you see a Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma in this picture? You don't because these fellows don't exist. 

This is Brahman, that is, many many galaxies.
There is no other Hindu God but this mass of galaxies.
There is no Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma etc.
All Hindu rituals/poojas are placebos, they do nothing.

Just in case, you are giving yourself a wedgie by interpreting this as an anti-Hindu post, then give your family jewels a break; there is nothing anti-Hinduism or anti-India here.   Religion has much good to offer but only if you understand it, for what it is and what it is not, thoroughly by personal efforts.

Of course, you can dismiss all this as nonsense and say that Hindus believe in the bullshit of Vasudeva Kutumbakam.  This is the go to phrase among politicians or those who are politically inclined.  First of all, Vasudeva is an imaginary fellow.  And you know quite well that this is just a marketing slogan and aint worth shit because you can't even get along quite well with your own family members, friends and other Hindus.  A human with a vagina cannot be a temple priest, so how the fook is this Vasudeva Kutumbakam?  Religion is quite simple.  Just stop being an arsehole to your fellow human being or creature and you become as religious and worthy of Lord Venkateshwara's blessings as a proper devotee. But not being an arsehole is not that easy, it doesn't come naturally.  When being an arsehole bring you money and power, then why be good?  Checkmate, Hinduism (or any other religion).  

Types of Hinduism

There are at least 2 major types of Hinduism.  One type of Hinduism is for the intellectuals (rulers, politicians, the strategists/tacticians).  This caters to folks who can think for themselves and deals with reasoning and facts (examples: Swami Vivekananda, BJP politician Subramanian Swamy, Narendra Modi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Rajneesh....).  Historically, the practitioners of this type of Hinduism may have been the cream of the Brahmin community.  In fact, this shit must have been invented by some Brahmins thousands of years back.  This intellectual group would include those Hindus who know that there is no Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma but also realize that the delusion of God may be somewhat necessary for the sake of the Hindu masses.  This type of unpopular Hinduism is better than the other type because it is less harmful.     

The other type of Hinduism is geared for the Hindu masses/devotees.  (Is devotee a synonym for slave?)  This is where most of the silly stuff is but it sells easily.  It sells easily because its entertainment.   It works well because it the parasitic software is installed when a child's mind has not developed fully.  It is superficial and focuses on externalizations.  But it is considered a very important tool for the Hindu intellectuals, politicians and strategists/tacticians because the masses/devotees are fickle and must be managed for their own good (greater good means that you are gonna fooked but its okay and even desirable because it is for a greater purpose!) This is practiced through traditions/sanskruti/pratha/culture (most traditions serve the strategists at the expense of the masses) and it includes fancy temples, idols, memorization and regurgitating of shlokas and prayers, festivals (Deepavali, Ganesh Chaturthi...etc.), rituals, discourses through self appointed experts, Hatha yoga, shady religious swamis (read financial or political power brokers) of various types, poojas, bhajans, kirtans, dances (Bharatanatyam etc.) glorifying fictional gods and their stories.

Some non-delusional Indians 
  1. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first PM of India, was an atheist. “What the mysterious is I do not know. I do not call it God because God has come to mean much that I do not believe in. I find myself incapable of thinking of a deity or of any unknown supreme power in anthropomorphic terms, and the fact that many people think so is continually a source of surprise to me. Any idea of a personal God seems very odd to me.” 
  2. So was Bhagat Singh, the freedom fighter.  
  3. Swami Vivekananda's views on the numerous Hindu Gods is well known.  He must have been an atheist who privately called out Hinduism as bogus.
  4. Akkineni Nageswara Rao of Tollywood is an atheist and 
  5. Kamal Hassan is an atheist 
  6. Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar, 1983 winner of Nobel Prize for Physics is an atheist. 
  7. Egypt gods, Hindu gods
    Would you buy a building
    built without a foundation?
    Would you buy a car
    without an engine?
    If no, then why do you
    buy religions that don't have a

    Hindu gods, Egyptian gods, atheism
    All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of FRAUD,
    fear, GREED, imagination and poetry. - Edgar Allen Poe

  8. Periyar E. V. Ramasamy, the 'Socrates of Southern Asia', was an atheist.  He said, "Can mere bookish lore become knowledge? Can one become a genius through learning by rote? Why is it that educated persons endowed with the highest mental gifts - degree holders in general and science and degree holders in particular - believe that a mere stone is a God and prostrate before it" (Periyar does not explain this but there is a reason for Hindus believing in Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma even after knowing that they do not exist that's for another article.)
Reincarnation in Hinduism
Reincarnation, as implied in Hindu religious literature is nonsense.
Once dead, always dead, remember that.
You will never be reborn.
Don't be an ahole to others, that is Hinduism in a nutshell

Richard Dawkins

SV Temple, Pittsburgh
The Lord first needed a gold necklace,
Now, Sri Venkateswara Inc. needed a gold shirt
Next year, it will be gold underwear,
Then perhaps a big platinum rod and diamond balls.

The Good News

Hinduism is a pyramid scheme
"Hindu priests know very well that there are no Hindu gods."

Most curious American Hindu kids will figure out the truth about Lord Venkateshwara during their college years.  This is the good news.  The bad news is that once they figure this out, they are likely to dump Hinduism and this would be similar to throwing the baby with the bath water.  It does not have to be this way.  But as long as Lord Venkateshwara Inc. is cash positive and the Sri Sri's of the world are getting their rocks off, it don't matter.

The Ugly News

In any case, there is no ugly news, I reckon!  This shite has gone on for thousands of years.  Atleast, we were not born in Islam.  In the Middle Eastern Islamic countries, the Muslim maniacs of peace have been fighting, hating and killing each other (Sunnis and Shiites) and all non-Sunnis (Hindus, Jews, Christians.....) over fictional fellows and stories for centuries.  Beheading don't happen without invoking the name of Allah, its a prerequisite to slitting throats. 
Asian Indians in Cleveland Akron Ohio
Remember this when the word
Islamophobia is used

Jihadi gangs are named after Mohammed.  But if non-Muslims defend themselves, its Islamophobia!  Why the fook were these clowns allowed anywhere near Europe? Its hard to tell the difference between who is who in this ultra-tribal religious ideology.  The idol worshiping, pork eating, cartoon drawing, dog loving, beard shaving, non-burkha wearing, Democracy and freedom loving, non-Islamic infidels evidently fail to understand that insulting their prophet requires them to behead us and video record it and chant Allah O Akbar during the beheading.  Seems like we should have that sorted out by now...   


Fook it, we and Gods can't run away from what we are, cheers.